Author Archives: Maths @ SHARP

Revamped Maths Study Guide Chapters!

Hi Students, With the event of the new Sharp EL-W535SAB calculator, we thought it might be time to redo the maths study guide chapters. Each maths study guide chapter has an explanation for each topic in the CAPS syllasbus and activities that follow each particular section. The answers for each activity are at the end […]

Maths @ Sharp Newsletter October 2019

rounding off poster

Dear Maths @ Sharp Reader,   Welcome to the fourth term! Sunshine and happiness and 53 days to summer holidays! (Here’s a countdown to help you keep track [edit: April 2024 – this countdown timer is very old. But, a kind reader shared this great website which does countdowns, timers, and world times – which […]

Measurement Notes (2)

These notes cover everything covered in the grade 10 section of Measurement for CAPS, including revision of grade 9 work (perimeter and area) and surface area and volume of 3D shapes. The Measurement notes also include practice exercises so that students can follow their learning with practice. The answer sheet is also available separately. Download […]

How to Find Factor pairs using the calculator

Factorising is hard sometimes – particularly if you cant remember the factor pairs for a certain number. Here is a trick to help you. First put the calculator in Table mode by pressing  Then press the  button. At the top of the fraction put the number you are trying to factorise in. Next press the  […]

How to find the hypotenuse

This is really easy! If you have the x and y coordinates: For example: (3; 4) Type in 3  4    Your calculator screen will then look like this: r is your hypotenuse – which is 5 and your angle made with between the y-axis and the hypotenuse is 53o  What if you have the angle and […]

How to Make Second Common Differences Easy

Second Common Differences can be a bit complicated. The SHARP EL-535 can be very useful to help you figure out the formula and also to check whether your answers are right. Let’s do an example: You are given the pattern 3, 7, 15… On your calculator press: 1 (For stat) and then 2 for Quad […]