Wow! This one was really quite a stumper.
The Riddle:
One day your minimalist friend is visiting, and she presents you with the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5, and the symbols = and +, and the following tantalizing challenge: Is it possible to use each number and symbol once and only once and end up with a true equation; further, you cannot use any number or symbol not given. How can you do this?
My first thought was well thats easy 2 + 3 = 5.
But then I realised i had left out the 4 and needed to include ALL 4 numbers. Uh-oh!
What now?
After much brain scratching, three or four cups of coffee, I was still nowhere.
Then I thought oh! 2 + 5 = 3 + 4.
But no… I could only use the plus sign once.
Back to square one again…
I thought if only there were a 1 and then I thought nope, 1 wont make any difference.
I really had to think outside of thebox on this one:
What maths could I do that didnt require a symbol… Hmmm…
Certainly not times, divide or subtract or square root… but an exponent might work:
- ok we can have 32 = 9 or 42 = 16 or 52 = 25
- the only numbers left that add up to the exponent answer is 4 and 5.
- So the fnal answer is 32 = 4 + 5.
Shoo, that was a tough one!. For the next riddle check out the July/August Newsletter.