Maths @ Sharp Newsletter

I know, I know, it has been a long time since you saw one of these emails in your inbox! Isn’t it funny how you always think that somehow you will have more time than you do.

I remember sitting down to write the newsletter that shared how we were expecting our little girl, and just the other day she turned 6 months old! They didn’t tell you that when you become a parent time speeds up by a factor of 100!

In a week’s time we will be in Durban attending the 25th national AMESA conference at the UKZN Edgewood campus.

We will be presenting 3 maths market sessions there. These include some in-depth training on the new EL-W535SAB and the exciting work we have been doing with the Department of Education! If you are coming to AMESA, come past the Sharp stand and say hi!


So what have we been up to since we last spoke?

In recent months we have partnered with the Gauteng Department of Education, Clever Minds and Red Pencil Group to supply the Sharp EL-W535SAB scientific calculator to the students and teachers in no-fee schools. We have also embarked on an extensive training schedule, training both the teachers and then the students. It has been incredible to watch the students’ excitement as they learnt new and exciting tricks across core maths and math literacy. What is incredible is to see the almost 40% average improvement between the pre-and post-tests.

To continue reading, download the newsletter today 🙂

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