This worksheet contains questions on Surface Area and Volume for grade 8 Math learners. Cubes, Rectangular prisms and Triangular prisms are covered in this topic. Learners are asked to calculate the surface area and volume for these three shapes. Capacity is also covered in this topic. Learners are also tested on how to convert from […]
Category Archives: Measurement
This grade 8 maths worksheet on area and perimeter of 2D shapes for term 3. It includes being able to give the formulae for area and perimeter for squares rectangles triangles and circles. It asks students to label the circle. The worksheet also asks them to find the area and perimeter of these shapes, and […]
This grade 11 mathematical literacy worksheet works through the various aspects of measurement and conversions for grade 11 learners. The questions include: Conversions between mm, cm, m and km ml and liters g, kg and tons seonds, minutes, hours and days from baking measurements like teaspoons, tablespoons and cups to ml imperial and metric units […]
This grade 8 worksheet begins with the basics of Pythagoras. It focuses on writing down the correct Pythagoras formula, substituting correctly into the formula, finding the longest side. It then moves on to finding any side of a right-angled triangle. Finally students are asked to prove that a triangle is right-angled by using the […]
This grade 10 maths worksheet on Measurement looks at the surface area and volume formulas for the sphere, cone, cube, cylinder, pyramids (square and equilateral triangle- base), and rectangular prisms. It then goes on to apply these equations, through changing measurements and solving calculations. Download here Measurement worksheet here: Worksheet 18 – Measurement Worksheet […]
These notes cover everything covered in the grade 10 section of Measurement for CAPS, including revision of grade 9 work (perimeter and area) and surface area and volume of 3D shapes. The Measurement notes also include practice exercises so that students can follow their learning with practice. The answer sheet is also available separately. Download […]
This worksheets practices measurement calculations such as length conversions, conversions between different temperatures. This worksheets allows learners to practice converting mass measurements as well as the cost of an item per mass. Download here: Worksheet 8: Measurement of length, weight, volume and temperature Worksheet 8 Memorandum: Measurement of length, weight, volume and temperature
These notes cover everything in the grade 10 section of Measurement for CAPS, including revision of grade 9 work (perimeter and area) and surface area and volume of 3D shapes. The Measurement notes also include practice exercises so that students can follow their learning with practice. The answer sheet is also available separately. Download here: […]
This worksheet looks at converting of various measurements as well as calculations involving cost for grade 12 maths literacy students. Download here: Worksheets 3: Measurement Worksheet 3 Memorandum: Measurement Download this worksheet in Afrikaans: Werkkaart 3: Meting Werkkaart 3 Memo: Meting
This worksheet practices converting from one unit of measurement to another. It also practices working out area and volume and cost per unit volume. Download here: Worksheet 6: Measurement Worksheet 6 Memorandum: Measurement Download it in Afrikaans: Werkkaart 6: Meting – Herleidings en Tyd Werkkaart 6: Memo
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