
Category Archives: Fractions and Decimals

Worksheet 26: Term 1 Revision Grade 9

grade 9 term 1 revision worksheets available in english and afrikaans

This grade 9 maths worksheet covers all work studied in grade 9 in the first term according to the CAPS curriculum. Questions and sections include the number system, prime factors, simplifying common fraction and decimal expressions, converting between decimals, fractions and percentages, exponents, scientific notation, patterns, functions and relationships, substitution, algebraic expressions and solving algebraic […]

Worksheet 4: Decimal Fractions

grade 9 maths - decimal fractions and desimale breuke

This grade 9 mathematics worksheet contains work on Decimal fractions as covered in the first term of the CAPS curriculum. Questions include: changing between equivalent forms of common fractions, percentages and decimal fractions, simplifying sums using BODMAS and squares, cubes, square-roots and cube-roots, rounding off to a specified number of decimal places and story sums. […]

Worksheet 29: Term 3 Revision

This grade 8 mathematics worksheet includes revision on all work covered in the third term according to South Africa’s CAPS syllabus. Topics include – common fractions, decimal fractions, Pythagoras, area and perimeter of 2D shapes, surface area and volume of 3D objects and data handling. Download here: Worksheet 29: Term 3 Revision Worksheet 29 Memorandum: […]

Worksheet 14: Decimal Fractions

This worksheet tests all the decimal fraction decimal fractions skills grade 8’s following the CAPS curriculum should know at the end of term 3. It includes comparing decimals and fractions, rounding off to 1 and 2 decimal places, doing calculations including squaring, cubing, square-rooting and cube-rooting decimals, converting between decimals, fractions and percentages, working out […]

Worksheet 13: Common Fractions

This mathematics worksheet covers all the basics for common fractions that grade 8 students following the CAPS curriculum should be able to do at the end of the third term. It includes converting between mixed number and improper fractions, equivalent fractions, converting between fractions, decimals and percentages, doing sums with fractions including squaring, cubing and […]

Worksheet 3: Common Fractions

grade 9 common frations and gewone breuke afrikaans pdf

This grade 9 CAPS mathematics worksheet revises the skills necessary for common fractions. Sums include using BEDMAS to simplify expressions, converting between mixed number fractions and improper fractions, finding equivalent fractions (an important skill for algebraic fractions), converting between common fractions, decimals and percentages, and being able to use these skills in context (the dreaded […]