AMESA 2017 Workshops

Hi All,

Below are the different workshops that were given at AMESA 2017.
Please feel free to download them and share them.

Contact us for a great price on the new calculators!

Math Literacy – EL-W506 – What calculator should I get and what are the benefits? Download

A brief look at the different functions available on the EL-W506 from converting units like pounds to kilograms, or grams to ounces, substitution, working out tax or finding the monthly payment on a bond.

Technical maths – EL-W506 – A fine line between theory and application and what to do about it. Download

Technical maths begins to introduce some very different concepts in grade 12 such as complex numbers, binary and integration. All of these concepts can also be done on the Sharp EL-W506 advanced scientific calculator. The EL-W506 can also solve simultaneous equations.

Maths FET – EL-W506 – Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks. Download

While less well known than its cousins the EL-W535HTB and EL-W531 Sharp scientific calculators, the EL-W506 advanced scientific calculator has quite a few tricks of its own up its sleeve. The EL-W506 can solve differentiation problems at a point, solve cubic and quadratic equations, as well as simultaneous equations, and even includes a short cut for Pythagoras. Encouraging students to purchase the EL-W506 now, will also mean that they are equipped for university level maths as well.

Senior Phase – EL-W535SAB – Why Mental Maths is important for the future. Download

With the introduction of the new look Sharp EL-W535SAB scientific calculator designed for the South African CAPS curriculum, we looked at several new features including a very easy to use statistics mode, dual table mode, drill (Mental Maths) mode, Lowest Common Multiple and Highest Common Factor (GCD), prime factorization and integer division. With all these new functions, teaching kids to think about why things happen in maths will become much easier – especially with the brand new emulator – which is also free to download.

Intermediate Phase – S25 – Why Mental Maths is Critical for High School. Download.

This workshop looked at the research done last year in two primary schools, one in an urban area and the other in a semi-rural area (no fee school). The improvement in time-spent in the semi-rural school was 30% as well as less working out on scrap pieces of paper. We then explored the new junior scientific Quiz calculator, or S25, especially designed for primary schools with the drill function, as well as Pi button and square root button.

For all your calculator requirements please contact us via the contact us page. We would love to sort you out with the right calculators.

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