New Grade 10 Algebra Study Guide

Grade 10 Algebra Study Guide cover

Hi Grade 10 maths students (and maths teachers too) looking for a Grade 10 Algebra Study Guide,


So, you’ve made it into maths class, and you want to do your best!

The best way to do that is to make sure that you understand algebra. Algebra is not only used in the algebra section, but across all the other topics in maths.

You use factorsing in graphs and patterns, you use algebraic fractions in graphs and functions, and probability. You solve for x in geometry and use simultaneous equations in graphs and functions, and sometimes in patterns too.

You can use algebra in measurement and geometry.

Maths really is an interlinked topic.


But! Don’t panic! We are here to help.

We revamped the Algebra Study Guide so that it works with the Sharp EL-W535SA and the Sharp EL-W506T scientific calculators. We will show you some great short cuts like finding the factor pairs of a number so that you can factorise more easily. We will show you how to find the highest common factor and lowest common multiple of a set of numbers. We will show you how to find the prime factors of a number.


The study guide includes easy to follow notes and examples, activities to practice and answers to all the activities at the end.


Grade 10 Algebra Study Guide – Download


As always, we are only human here, so if you spot any mistakes in the guide, please contact us so that we can make the changes.

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